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QT Plus Troubleshooting

Need help troubleshooting your QT Plus? This article will cover different topics to better help troubleshoot your hand held microcurrent device.

App Troubleshooting

Yes and no. This device can be used with or without the app. You can now enable offline treatment once your settings have been saved into the app. The app is free and is available now from the App store, but there may be charges for additional and sp

Device Troubleshooting

Check out this blog for more information. QT delivers current from one metal sphere to the other using a 2 point contact. The Mini divides the current between 4 point contact, hence less perceived current. The device may need to be charged. The devic

Treatment Troubleshooting

LIFT mode uses 7E wellness proprietary waveform design to shorten the facial muscles, resulting in a natural lift and tone of the muscles that can reduce the appearance of sagging skin. Stretch is a proprietary waveform design in Myolift QT. Stretch: